Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Willy: Hey Babykins, did you see that silly drivel on that message board that lives to trash us?

Kate: About your mother's ring I am wearing now?

Willy: Zactly. Did you know it has a wretched voo doo curse on it according to backwoods Keezar. Mum would explode with her fantastic laughter and tell Harry to call an exorcist muy pronto!

Kate: Another nutter on there said you and Harry are nothing but bad memories because this ring was on her hand when you both were born and that she never had any fun or good times all those years she was our People's Princess. They are bonkers.

Willy: They must depend on palm readers and tea leaves. They don't even know that most families have rings and other gems they pass down the generations. You don't have to be a prince to give your fiancee your mother or grandmother's ring. Just ask Grannie.

Kate: Shhh darling, we don't want to shock them back to reality.
They didn't even know the ring was yours and think it now belongs to my family forever and don't understand that our daughter or son will pass it down someday.

Willy: All that matters Babykins is that like my mum, you didn't see any other ring you liked half as well

Kate: It is glorious isn't it, Waity Willy?

Willly: Matches your luminous blues, my darling In Kontrol Kates. You made me wait for yonks but it's worth every second of it! And no Babykins, I don't mind being slightly a father figure to you.

Kate: It's just that you sound so much like Dad, always on about flying and football. You are more like him than James is. You and your Mum were so alike in attitudes and aspirations, like Dad and his Mum. James likes to bake cakes like my Mum.

Willy: And Ginger likes painting like our Dad. Blondies too.

Kate: Oh look , that oinker from Oz has yet three more names on that message board, all the same jargon and fake backgrounds. The control freak mod talks adoringly to herself with all that backslapping and chased off  the sane posters who knew we were on the threshold of marriage and weren't afraid to say so in the face of unchecked ridicule and bullying. Now it's just what we and they predicted, more grumbling by challenged misfits about our lives as if they had any idea what they were actually like.  They're deranged stalkers. Our law firm is taking names, real ones

Willy: All related to the Nicholl fiend are they? The rodent one is totally round the bend, poor old geezer. Besotted with Ginger's ex! Let's dash over to Pizza Express, Babykins! We can chat with the normals for a bit. You can flash your ring to your heart's content and get smiles and congrats instead of
pure poison.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


William of course has given Kate Diana's ring, also as WE predicted. The young lady has a beautiful melodious voice.

Prince Charles' Clarence House office said the heir to the British throne is "delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton." It said they got engaged last month during a vacation in Kenya.

Just as we advised, the announcement rightly came from Clarence House....some tend to confuse Wm with the Queen's children. He is of course her Grandson.

The prince, who is second in line to the throne, once told an interviewer he wouldn't marry "until I'm at least 28 or maybe 30." He turned 28 in June and recently completed training a Royal Air Force search and rescue pilot.

Which comes as a great blow to those who alleged MALICIOUSLY that he was intoxicated at the time.

Prince William has informed the queen and other close members of his family," the Clarence House statement said. "Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father."
It said after the wedding, the couple will "live in north Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force."

Looking forward to the large party of celebration this evening and being in London again for the wedding and at Althorp afterward!!!!

Best place to discuss this couple outside of the ones already mentioned:

Hmm... those members who think this a good time to post their smarty-pants remarks should think again.
The bitter and twisted are advised to avoid this thread if congratulatory posts upset them so much.

British Forums moderator


Monday, November 15, 2010


UNBEKNOWST to only their closest pals, the glittering couple are experts in wedding planning details, from the cake to the honeymoon, they deliver the goods!

Willy presents the colour swatches to the engaged couple and Kate suggests venues. They have oodles of experience after 12 weddings under their auspices. ;-)

They also counsel guests as to what to wear on The Big Day, often ahemm, 'modeling', the proper attire of the moment in time. They have it down to a science!!

Their only complaints have been prompted by their ideas for adventurous honeymoons. Some couples aren't keen to book Sir Richard Branson space shuttles !!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


"Oh my blanking blank, NO!! The 'Midds' are at Prince Charles house!! They are trespassing, they broke in just for a photo op and there they are on his private grounds killing helpless food products" ( followed by dirty language and the usual ignorant assumptions which wouldn't apply in a million years in a real life occurance. )

"This cannot mean William will marry their terrible daughter who only has one freak---  job and an university education. [ the first female destined for the British throne to have acquired one ]" The dratted show off! Now I will have to eat worms in my disgust." Sniff sniff "William invited Jecca's parents to Highgrove, or was that the Midds too?"

For the NON-Brits who wonder why Charles would have the Middletons to stay at Highgrove previously, it's what we call a country weekend in the British isles. ;-)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


See here Katie, one serving will make me healthy as a horse. Sprouts make me all tickley but look at the protein in steak.Healthy as a month's worth of vitamins I calculate. Ice cream for afters? Dairy is loaded with calcium you know.

Cash? Ahemmm, all germy isn't it? Still I have a few Grannies in my wallet.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Henry's noggin together again.

Hark, do we hear but, but, but 'All young guys get so drunk in clubs that they can't stand up and have to be helped to stand up and walk.' Only in LaLa Land. MOST young guys of 25 can hold their liquor to a far better degree and can stand upright and walk sans assistance. Stop making excuses for this guy because it only hurts him.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


THEY were always very close because they were the two youngest left at home when the two eldest left the nest.
Like all siblings they had their moments but in the twlilight of Diana's short life her only brother was her rock. She named him in her will, along with her mother as guardian for her children even though she knew the Windsors wouldn't honor her wishes. What mattered was that her wishes were open and expressed formally.

True enough that one parent survived her death but she expected her mother to be consulted by their father and in the event of her mother's death, it was down to Charles Spencer to share in decisions and consultations.

Behind the scenes this wish has been carried out by the two lads on their own. Both William and Harry turn to Uncle Spencer from time to time for advise. The Telegraph reported Harry consulting the earl over personal relationships. They are all three old Etonians.

It is of note that Diana spent her last birthday shortly before her death with her brother and that she spoke with him via telephone during the time she was in Paris.

When first I saw this poignant photograph it made me think of how she and Harry may have appeared in a picture together had she lived to see him reach that age.


RIGHT now she's only semi-royal which is rather like semi-sweet chocolate. Sweet on the inside with a hint of bitter on the outside if you can trust that Duke in Saxony. ( I wouldn't. )

Good job Willyboyo isn't allergic to choccies but he is allergic to the peal of Church bells. He goes a bit weak in the knees when they sound. It's the Diana's death knell syndrome. Who could ever forget those haunting rings as we bade farewell to her.

Not to worry, Harry will beat the kettle drum instead. He makes a spiffing toy soldier.

Friday, August 20, 2010


I don't think so. It's a very contrived conception but looks good in newsprint. Yet my most favorite quote from the Mail tale takes the cake =
 DRUM ROLL please:

Then there is Prince William and his dimpled, putative fiancee Kate Middleton, the Home Counties answer to Snow White.

Like no way. No Cinderella, no Snow White.....lose the fairy tale theme, please! I must admit 'putative' was rapier cutting edge.

Given the surrounding material, "Time for your nap, Ms Journo. Off you go."

Yes, I know that isn't Ken & Barbie, I just prefer Anne & Andy. Guess HM does as well.

Gently gently