Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Willy: Hey Babykins, did you see that silly drivel on that message board that lives to trash us?

Kate: About your mother's ring I am wearing now?

Willy: Zactly. Did you know it has a wretched voo doo curse on it according to backwoods Keezar. Mum would explode with her fantastic laughter and tell Harry to call an exorcist muy pronto!

Kate: Another nutter on there said you and Harry are nothing but bad memories because this ring was on her hand when you both were born and that she never had any fun or good times all those years she was our People's Princess. They are bonkers.

Willy: They must depend on palm readers and tea leaves. They don't even know that most families have rings and other gems they pass down the generations. You don't have to be a prince to give your fiancee your mother or grandmother's ring. Just ask Grannie.

Kate: Shhh darling, we don't want to shock them back to reality.
They didn't even know the ring was yours and think it now belongs to my family forever and don't understand that our daughter or son will pass it down someday.

Willy: All that matters Babykins is that like my mum, you didn't see any other ring you liked half as well

Kate: It is glorious isn't it, Waity Willy?

Willly: Matches your luminous blues, my darling In Kontrol Kates. You made me wait for yonks but it's worth every second of it! And no Babykins, I don't mind being slightly a father figure to you.

Kate: It's just that you sound so much like Dad, always on about flying and football. You are more like him than James is. You and your Mum were so alike in attitudes and aspirations, like Dad and his Mum. James likes to bake cakes like my Mum.

Willy: And Ginger likes painting like our Dad. Blondies too.

Kate: Oh look , that oinker from Oz has yet three more names on that message board, all the same jargon and fake backgrounds. The control freak mod talks adoringly to herself with all that backslapping and chased off  the sane posters who knew we were on the threshold of marriage and weren't afraid to say so in the face of unchecked ridicule and bullying. Now it's just what we and they predicted, more grumbling by challenged misfits about our lives as if they had any idea what they were actually like.  They're deranged stalkers. Our law firm is taking names, real ones

Willy: All related to the Nicholl fiend are they? The rodent one is totally round the bend, poor old geezer. Besotted with Ginger's ex! Let's dash over to Pizza Express, Babykins! We can chat with the normals for a bit. You can flash your ring to your heart's content and get smiles and congrats instead of
pure poison.

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